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  5. 3M™ Envision™ Flexible Substrate FS-1

3M™ Envision™ Flexible Substrate FS-1

  • Saatavilla olevat vaihtoehdot
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Vinyl flexible substrate with a polyester scrim optimized for use with LEDs

Directly printable on both sides and can be decorated with coloured electronically cut tests or graphics

High light transmission - ideal in combination with energy-efficient LED lighting products

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Tärkeimmät ominaisuudet
  • Vinyl flexible substrate with a polyester scrim optimized for use with LEDs
  • Directly printable on both sides and can be decorated with coloured electronically cut tests or graphics
  • High light transmission - ideal in combination with energy-efficient LED lighting products
  • Excellent whiteness
  • Splice free up to 4.2 m width

3M™ Envision™ Flexible Substrate FS-1 is nearly twice as light transmissive as 3M™ Panagraphics™ III Wide Width Flexible Substrate*, allowing manufacturers to build signs that use less energy and require less maintenance. 3M™ Envision™ Flexible Substrate FS-1 also gives graphics manufacturers increased design versatility, with options to decorate with cut vinyl or direct print with solvent, UV or latex inks. The seamless, widewidth flexible substrate is backed by the industry-leading 3M™ MCS™ Warranty, and can be combined with other LED-enabling products in the 3M Envision line of products for illuminated signs, such as 3M™ Envision™ Translucent Film Series 3730. It can also be used with 3M™ Scotchcal™ Gloss Overlaminate 3658G or Matte Overlaminate 3660M, which offer up to nine years of outdoor durability.


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