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  5. Värilliset yliteippauskalvot
  6. 3M™ Wrap Film 1080-GP258, Plum Explosion, 1524 mm x 25 m

3M™ Wrap Film 1080-GP258, Plum Explosion, 1524 mm x 25 m

  • 3M ID 7100117719
  • UPC 00076308884864

Cast coloured film for vehicle wrappings

Solvent-based acrylic adhesive

Stretchable and conformable

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Tärkeimmät ominaisuudet
  • Cast coloured film for vehicle wrappings
  • Solvent-based acrylic adhesive
  • Stretchable and conformable
  • 1.52 m wide for covering larger vehicle parts in one piece
  • Comply™ feature allows trapped air to escape through micro air channels in the adhesive
  • Controltac™ feature keeps the adhesive film repositionable on the application surface up to the final pressure at application

These long-term, dual cast wrap films are designed for solid colour vehicle detailing, decoration and full wraps without the need of additional graphic protection. These films come in high gloss colours, matte colours, brushed metal and carbon fiber looks, true textured films creating a cool and distinctive look to the vehicle.


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