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  5. 3M™ Envision™ Luster Wrap Overlaminate 8549L, Transparent, 1372 mm x 50 m

3M™ Envision™ Luster Wrap Overlaminate 8549L, Transparent, 1372 mm x 50 m

  • 3M ID 7100050500
  • UPC 00051128987667

Provides long-term durability and protection for most graphic films


Luster finish offers a soft sheen

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Tärkeimmät ominaisuudet
  • Provides long-term durability and protection for most graphic films
  • Non-PVC
  • Luster finish offers a soft sheen
  • Offers better scratch resistance during installation compared to other gloss cast vinyl overlaminates
  • Installs in a wider temperature range compared to most PVC overlaminates
  • Highly conformable with excellent lifting resistance
  • Greater tensile strength resists tearing for faster removal

The 3M™ Envision™ Luster Wrap Overlaminate 8549L is versatile enough to wrap everything from vehicles to trailers to boats to textured buildings. This film is an environmentally friendly option to offer those looking for a greener solution. This new film goes beyond just being non-PVC, with a breakthrough boost in performance.


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