3M™ Zeta Plus™ BC Series Filter Capsule with DEL Series Media features hydrophobe and lipid specific adsorbents, and is used in a range of pharmaceutical and biological applications.
Reduce lipids and lipoprotein haze with 3M™ Zeta Plus™ BC Series Filter Capsule with DEL Series Media.
It can lead to improved processing economies (extended column and membrane life), improved product purity and enhanced final protein product stability.
Our capsule is scalable and can be used in applications ranging from small laboratory volumes to production-scale operations.
Zeta Plus™ BC Series Filter Capsule with DEL Series Media is manufactured to controls described in our Drug Master File on record with the FDA. Certificates of Quality are issued with every filter.
Combined with the larger scale capsules, the 3M Zeta Plus Encapsulated System offers a completely single-use depth filter solution to process from 100 ml to 25,000 L of liquid.
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