3M™ Housing Part

  • 3M ID B40074775

Most spare parts are available individually or in kits

Please contact 3M Separation and Purification Sciences customer service for specific spare part identification.

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Tärkeimmät ominaisuudet
  • Most spare parts are available individually or in kits
  • Please contact 3M Separation and Purification Sciences customer service for specific spare part identification

Housing Part for use with 3M™ Filter Housings are for use with specific 3M™ Filter Housings. Please contact 3M SPSD customer service for specific spare part identification. From single-cartridge housings to large multi-cartridge housings, 3M Purification offers a line of filter housings.

Housing Part for use with 3M™ Filter Housings are for use with specific 3M™ Filter Housings. Please contact 3M SPSD customer service for specific spare part identification. From single-cartridge housings to large multi-cartridge housings, 3M Purification offers a line of filter housings.


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