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  6. 3M™ Zeta Plus™ EXT Series Filter Capsule with SP Series Media

3M™ Zeta Plus™ EXT Series Filter Capsule with SP Series Media

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Zeta Plus SP Series filter media is offered in the largest selection of grades in the 3M depth filter portfolio.

Large range of dual layer media combinations are offered resulting in high gradient porosity structures that can be optimized for throughput and removal efficiency in applications from cell culture harvest to fine clarification.

BC25 Laboratory capsules contain same media as in production scale systems and are ideal for selecting the optimum media grade and media grade combination using low challenge fluid volumes.

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Tärkeimmät ominaisuudet
  • Zeta Plus SP Series filter media is offered in the largest selection of grades in the 3M depth filter portfolio
  • Large range of dual layer media combinations are offered resulting in high gradient porosity structures that can be optimized for throughput and removal efficiency in applications from cell culture harvest to fine clarification
  • BC25 Laboratory capsules contain same media as in production scale systems and are ideal for selecting the optimum media grade and media grade combination using low challenge fluid volumes
  • Full range of scalable single-use capsules and cartridges enables predictable performance from the laboratory to commercial production
  • Low hold-up volume for minimal fluid loss
  • Novel shape to maintain the same lenticular flow path as larger capsules and cartridges

We developed the Zeta Plus™ Encapsulated System Filter Capsule with SP Series Media in the quest for a single-use depth filtration solution that combines a number of ergonomic advantages with the proven performance of our depth filter media.

Our ergonomic design enables loading and unloading at waist height, resulting in minimal fluid spills when handling spent capsules.

Suositellut käyttökohteet
  • Use for pharmaceuticals, antibiotics, growth media, blood fractionation, bioprocess fluids, especially cell harvests applications



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