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  6. 3M™ CUNO™ CTG-Klean System Filter Pack with Betapure™ AU Series Filter Cartridge

3M™ CUNO™ CTG-Klean System Filter Pack with Betapure™ AU Series Filter Cartridge

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Cartridge pack design reduces the extensive time and labour involved with filter change-outs and cleaning of conventional housings

Totally enclosed filter pack avoids handling of used filter cartridges

Design reduces gaskets, posts, spring & seal assemblies, and seal plates for efficient, cost- effective filtration

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Tärkeimmät ominaisuudet
  • Cartridge pack design reduces the extensive time and labour involved with filter change-outs and cleaning of conventional housings
  • Totally enclosed filter pack avoids handling of used filter cartridges
  • Design reduces gaskets, posts, spring & seal assemblies, and seal plates for efficient, cost- effective filtration
  • Filter pack can be capped and reused, depending on the application
  • Rapid filter change-out reduces labour time and the need for duplex systems
  • 3M™ Betapure™ AU Filter Cartridge’s rigid structure provides consistent and reproducible contaminant reduction in addition to reducing deformable contaminants for consistent effluent quality
  • FDA CFR-21 Compliant Material

3M™ CUNO™ CTG-Klean System Filter Pack with Betapure™ AU Cartridge is part of a totally enclosed system that uses a separate pressure vessel and disposable filter pack to isolate the product from the housing. Our filter pack reduces the extensive time, labour and operator exposure to impurities and cleaning solvents involved with filter change-outs and cleaning of conventional housings.

Get the ultimate in consistent classifying filtration performance, with 3M™ CUNO™ CTG-Klean System Filter Pack with Betapure™ AU Cartridge. 3M CUNO CTG-Klean System was designed with versatility in mind to accommodate a wide variety of filter media, and offers compatibility with a range of fluids to meet numerous process requirements. Our line of 3M™ Betapure™ AU series filters are state-of-the-art rigid, bi-component fibre depth filters, available in absolute ratings from 2 to 190 microns, manufactured using advanced fibre technology. The bonded rigid structure is non-deformable to withstand high differential pressure, fibre shedding, and to reduce media migration and provide absolute filtration – batch to batch. 3M Betapure AU Series Filter Applications Coatings High quality paint Film coatings Resins and ink General Industrial Desalination Plating Machine tool coolant Process water Electronics Pre-Ro Wafer slurries Ceramic slurries Chemical mechanical polishing Cathode ray tube production Disc cleaning Chemical/Petro-Chemical Process water Pre-Ro Amine Fine chemicals The rigid construction advantage To meet demanding filtration quality standards in today’s market, absolute ratings will provide you with product consistency, and improve yields. The rigid filter structure retains consistent pore size even under severe process conditions. Changes caused by pump fluctuations, stopping and restarting the system, or high differential pressure will have minimal, if any effect on the consistent performance of 3M Betapure AU series rigid resin bonded filter cartridges. Depth filtration reduces deformable contaminants to help eliminate rework or product quality rejection. Lower pressure drops mean increased filter life, product throughput, and permit the use of fewer filters to achieve a given flow vs. differential pressure. When appropriately sized and rated, 3M Betapure AU series filter cartridges employed in the 3M CTG-Klean system work to meet your application specifications. Go with the flow The cartridge pack design reduces the extensive time and labour involved with filter change-outs and cleaning of conventional housings, thereby reducing operator exposure to product cleaning solvents. This streamlined system, coupled with high performance, long-life filters, make 3M CUNO CTG-Klean Systems the clear choice for cost-effective filtration.


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