3M™ Stainless Steel Cleaner & Polish Aerosol, 600 ml

  • 3M ID 7000116805
  • UPC 03134375357906

Polishes and protects all stainless steel surfaces in one step

The spray clings to vertical surfaces and leaves a light, non-greasy film that resist fingerprints and marking

Does not contain harmful chemicals and is safe to use in food preparation areas

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Tärkeimmät ominaisuudet
  • Polishes and protects all stainless steel surfaces in one step
  • The spray clings to vertical surfaces and leaves a light, non-greasy film that resist fingerprints and marking
  • Does not contain harmful chemicals and is safe to use in food preparation areas
  • Water based with a pleasant citrus fragrance
  • Empty containers can be disposed of in sanitary landfills in accordance with local regulations
  • NSF® Certified for use in meat and poultry processing plants

3M Metallipintojen puhdistus- ja hoitoaine puhdistaa, kiillottaa ja suojaa kaikkia teräspintoja yhdellä kertaa. Poistaa likaa, sormenjälkiä, rasvaa, jne. Spray tarttuu vertikaaleihin pintoihin jättäen ohuen suojaavan kalvon pintaan torjumaan sormenjälkiä ja likaa.

Suositellut käyttökohteet
  • For polishing and protecting stainless steel and other metal surfaces

