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  6. 3M™ Medical Tape 9835, Single Sided White Ethylene Vinyl Acetate Polyethylene, 83# Liner, Configurable

3M™ Medical Tape 9835, Single Sided White Ethylene Vinyl Acetate Polyethylene, 83# Liner, Configurable

  • 3M ID 7100013850

Acrylic Adhesive

Fluid Resistant

Printable with treatment

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Tärkeimmät ominaisuudet
  • Acrylic Adhesive
  • Fluid Resistant
  • Printable with treatment
  • Good Processability

This single sided medical tape on a roll (9835) consists of a 4 mil coextruded ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA) and white polyethylene backing, coated with a pressure sensitive acrylic adhesive. May be used for health care medical devices.

3M Medical Materials and Technologies helps health care manufacturers design and build more reliable, innovative and feature-rich medical devices. Customers leverage 3M technical expertise to select materials and technologies that integrate together for their break-through medical industry, device innovations designed for improving or enhancing lives.

Suositellut käyttökohteet
  • Masking
  • May be integrated with additional 3M technologies and medical materials for finished device innovations
  • Cover tape
  • Wound care dressings
  • Material and / or technology for health care or medical device construction


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